It is possible! If you are married, engaged or are thinking about getting married … and you worry about your partner’s finances or simply want to eliminate an area of dispute, you can! Prenuptial Agreements are agreements entered into by two partners who are contemplating marriage and who want to define and structure their present and future finances to avoid conflict the future and to protect against uncertainties that arise in the law. The same is true for Post-nuptial Agreements, except that postnuptial agreements are entered into by individuals who are already married.
They are fabulous tools infrequently used by individuals to solve almost any conceivable issue. You and your spouse/partner can decide how to allocate assets, debts, your estate, or any inheritance you may receive. You can decide whether alimony would be appropriate and, if so, how much it should be or how it should be calculated.
Many people attach a stigma to these agreements –like the stigma attached to making a Will or other such estate planning tool. People mistakenly believe that they are plotting the demise of the relationship. On the contrary, individuals who take the time to have the discussions necessary to generate these documents, work toward an agreement on very important issues at a time when they are more amicable and less self-serving or vindictive. They use their logical brain to come to a reasoned decision on these issues and, consequently, are able to trouble shoot areas of conflict without spending thousands of dollars later in litigation.
This does not mean that litigation never results, because it does. However, litigation is much less frequent. Moreover, when partners and spouses come to an agreement regarding areas of potential conflict, that point of conflict no longer exists and stands in the way of an otherwise healthy relationship.